Category Archives: Vinyl Fabric Facts

Vinyl upholstery fabrics come in several different grades, but grade isn’t reflected in the fabric’s quality. Grade actually refers to the cost to make the fabric. It’s hard to find consistency within the vinyl fabric grading process because each manufacturer has their own grades. When starting a new project, the most important question to ask is if you are using the right grade for […]

Because they often look and feel the same, marine vinyl fabric can be a mystery to everyday buyers with an untrained eye. Vinyl fabric has differentiators from traditional fabric that put it ahead of its competitors, like its UV deterrence, resilience, and safety.   Here are three of the most common questions new buyers ask when buying vinyl fabric. 1. How Will Marine Vinyl Hold Up in The Sun?   […]

Did you know that a single piece of fabric is actually a culmination of layers? They’re difficult to see without a microscope, but they’re important to understand, especially when purchasing marine vinyl fabric.   The average thickness ranges from 0.06mm to 1.5mm, and it is distributed throughout the layers. The thickness, weight, and overall quality should contribute to your buying decision.    Here’s an analysis of the layers, so you can understand how each one impacts the […]

A common mistake when upholstering or reupholstering vinyl fabrics is buying from a general fabric seller. They certainly have a vast selection of types of fabrics and expansive shelves, but you need the right type of vinyl fabric, not a multitude of irrelevant options. Shopping at a store that specializes in vinyl fabric will provide […]

While accounts of rubber and plastic usage dates back to discoveries made by Christopher Columbus in 1492, vinyl fabric is a relatively new innovation. In order to appreciate how far this material has come in terms of technology, innovation, and use, it’s helpful to understand its surprising history. What started as an accidental discovery led […]