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Get Your Boat Summer Ready: Detailing Your Deck

Get Your Boat Summer Ready: Detailing Your Deck | All Vinyl Fabrics

Your boat needs some TLC after taking on the winter grime. Before sailing out again this season, detailing your deck is must-do on your spring checklist. Whether it’s your stainless assets or your marine vinyl fabric, a little clean can go a long way. Here are some tips for detailing your deck.

Scrub It Down

A simple scrub down of your deck is the best place to start with your cleaning check list. Just grab a bucket, a medium-bristled brush, a hose with spray nozzle, and your choice of deck cleaner. Avoid dish soap as it strips the wax on your deck. Star brite’s Non-Skid Deck Cleaner is a great choice since it leaves a barrier on the deck that repels dirt and UV rays. Rinse the deck off thoroughly, and let the deck air dry before moving to the next step.

Take Out the Tough Stains

If you spot rust stains on your deck, spray Star brite’s Rust Stain Remover, let it soak, then rinse and repeat as needed. If they’re still too stubborn, you might need to scrub it. Test a conspicuous spot before spraying it on your painted or gelcoat deck surface.

Another stain you may encounter are the black streaks from the pollutants in rainwater that hit your boat. They’re simple to remove if you have the right product. Consider using 3M Marine Black Streak Remover or FSR that are specific for fiberglass stains. Before using this product, test it in a hidden area and wear gloves during application.

Another surface that gets tough stains are your dorade covers. Simply using a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser will take those tough stains out. If you need a deeper clean, use a little Soft Scrub on the fabric to release the grime.

Stain Free Stainless

The lifeline stanchions, bow and stern railings, anchor rollers, and all your deck’s hardware are vital pieces to your boat, so don’t forget about them! Inspect them closely while polishing them to see if they have cracks or problematic corrosion. You can use a soft cloth, a mild cleaner, like dish detergent, along with some water to polish them up. Note that marine-grade stainless steel is very different than chrome-plated appliances. Be sure to double check the material before cleaning it.

Don’t Dodge Your Dodgers

Your biminis, dodgers, and sail covers are important for keeping your guests, crew, and gear safe from UV rays. With inclement weather and salt exposure, the fabric can wear down over time. This may be happening quicker than you think, depending on where your cruise.

Sunbrella fabrics are typical for canvas work on boats and are known for their legendary durability. But even those reliable fabrics can gather dirty spots. Use a soft brush and a mild soap and water mixture to fend them off. It’s also a good idea to spray 303 Fabric Guard on them a few times a year for future protection.

If you have clear vinyl or plastics on your boat, read our cleaning tips for how to take care of that material before your first trip out.

All Vinyl Fabrics carries a wide spectrum of vinyl materials, and we want to help you find the right one for your boat. Contact us, or explore our selection of vinyl grades, colors, and textures. If you want to speak to one of our vinyl specialists, call 877-618-4695 today.

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