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Why Vinyl is the Ideal Summer Upholstery Fabric

Why Vinyl is the Ideal Summer Upholstery Fabric

Summer has finally arrived! Although this summer will look different from previous ones, there are still plenty of ways to spend your time outside. If you practice social distancing, you can cruise along the open sea on your boat. You can also enjoy a nice meal on your outdoor patio. However, to truly enjoy these things, make sure your boat and patio set are in good condition. This article will answer the question of why vinyl is the ideal summer upholstery fabric.

It’s Durable

Upholstery fabric sees its fair share of wear and tear. Whether you’re on a boat or a lounge chair outside, everyone should expect to see occasional snags in the fabric. This issue is less likely to happen, however, when you use vinyl fabric to upholster items. Vinyl is incredibly durable and the material can withstand frequent usage. This means you won’t have to reupholster your boat every time sailing season rolls around. Anyone in the market for vinyl fabric should visit All Vinyl Fabrics today. Our expert team will help you choose the perfect material that’ll stand the test of time.

It’s Waterproof

Marine grade vinyl upholstery fabric is waterproof. This is essential for so many reasons during the summertime. Boats, for example, are bound to get wet. The last thing any captain wants is to deny passengers a ride on the sea because the ship is full of mildew. You won’t run into this issue if you upholster with vinyl fabric, though. Vinyl will absorb the moisture instead of letting the bacteria fester like other fabrics do. This means your upholstery will stay clean and safe all summer long.

It’s Stylish

Summer is the perfect time for a style upgrade. Luckily, vinyl fabric comes in various patterns and colors, so there are options for everyone. If you want to impress boat passengers, choose a bold vinyl that’ll catch their eye the minute they get on board. Vinyl is also an excellent option for cars during the summertime. Some vinyl fabric looks exactly like leather. The best part is that you can get it for a cheaper price, and it won’t burn you if your ride sits in the sun. So, you can get an equally stylish, less expensive fabric that’ll have people talking when you give them a ride.

There are so many reasons why vinyl is the ideal summer upholstery fabric. Vinyl is durable and extremely easy to maintain. Boat owners can wipe it down with sanitizing wipes or bleach when their trip is over. Vinyl is also waterproof and can withstand the summer heat. Contact All Vinyl Fabrics to revamp some items this summer. We promise everything will look great; plus, the fabric will last for years to come.

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